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Delftian Différance

William Burroughs
"Interzone" Series #3

   In the act of contemplating Vermeer, William Burroughs appeared reading his    
shopping list for the naked lunch

24" X 36"


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Notes on Delftian Différance

Delftian Différance is the third in the Interzone series. It is subtitled: "In the act of contemplating Vermeer, William Burroughs appeares reading his shopping list for the naked lunch".

While the painting is primarily based on my interpretation of Burrough's concepts of the "interzone", it also incorporates some of the ideas of Jacques Derrida's concept of "différance" and Gilles Deleuze's concepts on difference and repetition. The French word différance, means both difference and to defer at the same time.

There is not enough room in these notes to go into the philosophical and psychological concepts that influence each of my paintings. Surfice it here to say that William Burroughs constantly attempted to defer his life through the use of mind expanding and mind numbing drugs and with sex with ephebes. At the same time as he wrote about those experiences, real or imagined, he no longer tried to defer, but rather to demonstrate his difference and/or uniqueness.