The Subterraneans
The summer that
I became 15-years-old, I ran away to San Francisco in search of bohemian
hipsters. I found them. I saw the city as a beautiful and enchanted place.
I met a lot of strange and radical people, many of whom were writers, artists
and muscians. I was given the nickname "the bashful bohemian".
I began learning about philosophy, Buddhism and jazz. Before I left I had
had some adventures, made some friends, but more importantly I was made
aware of the French symbolists and some new American writers, several who
were later to become known as the "beats".
The paintings in this group examine my life-long facination with members
of both of the aforementioned literary groups; writers that I see
as urban mystics. They include such authors as: William Burroughs, Jack
Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, Arthur Rimbaud, and Yukio Mishima.
Archetypes and Mysticism
My concepts of archetypes and their relationship to the psyche is based
on the writings of C.G. Jung and his sucessors. Archetypes may be thought
of as the "dominant metaphors of the psyche" because all of the
various "ways of speaking of archetypes are translations from one metaphor
to another. Even a sober operational definition in the language of science
or logic is no less metaphorical than any image which presents the archetype
as root ideas, psychic organs, figures of myth, typical styles of existance,
or dominant fantasies that govern consciousness."
"Revisioning Psychology" by
James Hillman
All of my art can be reduced to "archetypal art" but the
paintings I have selected for this category are more consciously produced
with specific archetypes or archetypal situations in mind. The images
are not meant to "interpret
the archetype" nor give it's "meaning" per se, but rather
to inform and amplify the already conscious concepts of the artist with
new re-presentations from the unconscious. The artist is both "author" and "viewer"
of his art which once finished becomes "other" and is interpreted
by him into a "text". This new "text" leads to explorations
(new art), thus demonstrating a hermeneutic circle, of part (the known
or conscious) to whole (the unknown or the unconscious) each informing
the other. For further discussions of the "archetype", see the note on
the painting "Jungscape".
The paintings in this category also stem from my interest
in: Gnosticism, Western Hermeticism, Zen Buddhism, Vajrayana Buddhism (especially
Nyingma), the Hebrew Mystics and Kabbalahists, some of the Orthodox Christian
Mystics, some of the Islamic Mystics and Sufism, and various shamanic writings
of the so-called "aboriginal" groups from around the world.
I was a teenager I couldn't decide whether I wanted to be a "bohemian
/ beat"
writer or a zoologist. The drawings of animals I made at the Griffith Park
Zoo, the Natural History Museum, and from photographs were my unknowing introduction
to the world of art. Later, when I started painting, I realized that I loved
painting animals and I have since included them in my art. Most of
the paintings in the "nature" category were produced so that I
might use elements from them in my other paintings and all, save one (the
Tiger), were given to "family" members as
presents. The
"Tiger & Cubs" painting was a commission.