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Lord of Wahgdas

William Burroughs
"The Western Lands" Series #1

18" X 24"


original sold

(click on picture to make larger)

Lord of Waghdas jpg Lord of Waghdas large jpg

Notes on Lord of Waghdas

The first painting in WSB's "The Western Lands" series. It was painted before William Burroughs' death. The hieroglyphs were transcribed by a rank amature.....me! From left to right they are supposed to state the following:
"The Lord of Waghdas. Behold William Burroughs, true of voice, the author of the books of that which is and that which shall be. The author of The Western Lands. May he be given life forever and ever. The greatest of his might is in the heart's of men."
"The road to Waghdas, the 'City of Knowledge', is a long circuitous detour through labyrinths of ignorances, stupidity and error....."

"Waghdas, 'City of Knowledge', is a center for outfitting pilgrims to the Western Lands. Since the dangers are manifold and different for each pilgrim, what equipment and provisions he will need is conjectual. However arcane, recherche, rarified, outré, Alexandrian your requirements, the Waghs can meet them."

William S. Burroughs,  The Western Lands